Terms of Use


This Usage Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made by and between you (“you” or the “Registrant”) and WeebPal (“WeebPal ” or “we”) regarding the use of use any or all of the services (“Services”) of listing.mineticket.com, your listing.mineticket.com application (“listing.mineticket.com”). By using the Service, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

listing.mineticket.com login account (hereinafter referred to as 'account') is set up to provide readers with management utilities (including but not limited to: saved messages, downloaded messages, tracking, access history to listing.mineticket.com website and application), personal information shared with the community, other interactive activities with listing.mineticket.com. The use of the account must comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law in general and the provisions of this document (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations").


1. General Terms

By registering to use a listing.mineticket.com account, you are automatically deemed to agree to all the terms of the Regulations. In case you do not agree with any terms of this Agreement, you need to terminate your use of CTO's services, delete and remove all your information and data on the website and cto application. .VN.

The content of the Agreement may be regularly updated by listing.mineticket.com. The updated version will supersede the terms and conditions in the original agreement.


2. Terms of registration

Registrants are responsible for providing complete, truthful and accurate information used to register their account. listing.mineticket.com reserves the right to temporarily lock or suspend the use of the Subscriber's account without notice and without any responsibility in case of detecting inaccurate or dishonest information. The Subscriber undertakes to implement to the best of his ability measures to secure his or her account. In any event, the Subscriber is responsible for all actions related to the use of his password on the system.

You can use the linked account Zalo/Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok, and/or other linked accounts updated by the CTO from time to time to use the service.


3. Rights and responsibilities of listing.mineticket.com account registrants
3.1 Subscriber's Rights

To use the services of listing.mineticket.com website, except for those prohibited by law, including the following services: the information displayed on the Web site in the form of text, images, databases. , notices or management messages; sharing and exchanging data; and other services (collectively, the “Services”). The benefits of using listing.mineticket.com services also include updates or upgrades, new features or attributes of the Service, or new services provided by listing.mineticket.com.

Protected confidentiality of private information and personal information in accordance with the law: When using listing.mineticket.com services, it means that all personal and private information of Users is protected. protected by the entire technical system, software and information security management processes of listing.mineticket.com, preventing illegal access.

listing.mineticket.com always accompanies and is ready to support Users in any case. Thus, the User is entitled to request listing.mineticket.com for support, guidance, and answers to questions and difficulties when using the service; request support, prevent illegal third-party access, if you suspect your password has been exposed, etc.


3.2 Registrant's Responsibilities

Provide accurate information when registering, and take full responsibility for this information. Responsible for protecting the access password, and responsible for logging in with your password, whether or not you are directly logged in. listing.mineticket.com is not responsible in case users disclose or share passwords to third parties or fail to take necessary measures to secure information when accessing and using services on the internet environment. . The Subscriber immediately informs listing.mineticket.com of any unauthorized use of the Subscriber's account and password...

Do not use the Service for illegal purposes, prohibited by law or violate the legal rights, of others...

The account may not be used to send or transmit any advertising, solicitation, chain letter, investment opportunity or any form of commercial communication such as spam or spam messages. ...


4. Rights and responsibilities of listing.mineticket.com
4.1 Rights of listing.mineticket.com

To have the right to establish technical measures and procedures for managing the account system according to existing capabilities.

Have the right to require the Subscriber to comply with the content of the Regulations.

Have the right to collect and store information of the Registrant for the purpose of operating and developing the system according to the needs of listing.mineticket.com, in accordance with the provisions of law.

To be entitled to provide the Registrant's information to the competent state agency without prior notice or consultation in the cases prescribed by law.

Have the right to censor, prevent and remove inappropriate content in accordance with the law and regulations of listing.mineticket.com.


4.2 Responsibilities of listing.mineticket.com

Publicize the regulations on using listing.mineticket.com login account on the homepage of listing.mineticket.com website. Set up technical systems, software and processes to ensure safety and security for listing.mineticket.com; protect the privacy of the Registrant's private information and personal information.

listing.mineticket.com commits to collect and use the Subscriber's information for the purpose of system administration, not to provide it to a third party, except in the case of providing it at the request of a competent state agency.

Ensure the right of the Registrant to decide whether to allow his or her personal information to be provided to other organizations, businesses and individuals.

Support, guide, answer questions and difficulties for Registrants; resolve support requests, prevent illegal access by 3rd parties, if you suspect that your password has been exposed, or prevent the removal of behavior and content that affect the image and reputation of the user. other individuals, organizations, etc.


5. Disclaimer Guarantee

Content on listing.mineticket.com is provided by a variety of sources, this content may be posted by users or edited by third parties before being posted. Therefore, the management department and all employees, related companies, listing.mineticket.com affiliated organizations are not responsible for any false information, or the risk of loss of personal information, direct or indirect damage, or any of the causes listed below:

User-submitted errors or inaccuracies

Personal or property losses caused by content other than those provided by us;

Illegally using and accessing listing.mineticket.com server and controlling it by hackers in order to steal personal information, business secrets contained therein, or edit and post false information about the above content. webpage.

Information about listing.mineticket.com services and website is illegally edited and provided by third parties without our written permission.

Any spyware, Virus, software errors on your computer are transmitted from the third party that contains our website.

Any interruptions to our service.

The responsibility for each specific violation will be in accordance with the current law.


6. Use of Information

We use your personal information to improve the quality of the Service, to send you notices about new listing.mineticket.com services or third-party services that we believe will be useful to you. Friend.

We may use your personal information in investigation, research or analysis to operate and improve the technology of listing.mineticket.com and the Service.

We may use your personal information to determine if you may be interested in third-party products or services.

In principle, we do not provide third parties with your personal information except in the following cases:

You consent for us to provide your personal information to third parties; and/or

We consider it necessary to provide your personal information to third parties, for example to comply with legal requirements, prevent crime or protect national security, or protect personal safety. individuals of users or the public, etc.; and/or

The third party who acquires all or most of the legal entity that owns listing.mineticket.com and the Service; and/or

Personal information is anonymous information about listing.mineticket.com visitors. We may share this type of information with third parties so they can learn about the types of visitors to listing.mineticket.com and how they use the Services.


7. Modify or delete information

You may access your personal information and correct it if it is incorrect or delete it. Such changes and/or deletions may not be possible in some cases certain advantages when there is instability of the listing.mineticket.com system. In this case, we will make every effort so that you can continue to correct or delete your personal information as soon as possible, but we are not responsible for any problems or damages that may result from this. This delay caused.

In the event that the Subscriber requests to withdraw his “consent” or/and offers to withdraw part of his consent, we regret not being able to provide services to the Subscriber. So in this case we will respond by helping you withdraw your consent to these Terms, your account will be disabled and the service will be discontinued to You.